Friday, May 4, 2007

Five Things You Didn't Know About Me

TJ tagged me with this one.

It's not that difficult, because well, you know almost nothing about me. I'll try to keep this short and irrelevant, just to resist the natural temptation of building a character here.


The Top... or should I say, The Bottom Five Things You Didn't Know About Me are:

1. I could spend days listening to old people's stories.
2. Nowadays, I mutter "Vive la France!" after (almost) every meal.
3. I quit smoking two years ago.
4. Riding mountain bikes and snorkeling are the only forms of solitary exercise that I can stand, all the rest seem insanely boring to me.
5. I take Viennese Waltz lessons.

Actually, why is it so difficult to dissimulate behind things "people don't know about you"? I tried several things before finally having to settle on something. Each time there was a different "Me", always more... personal than I was trying to come across.

Intriguing device. This could probably be used in building characters. "What are the five things your Protagonist would write if tagged thusly?"

Thanks, TJ! :)

(I won't pass this one along because I haven't "networked" sufficiently within the blogosphere.)